How To Photograph Roses Flowers

I am truly an amateur photographer; however, I have held my own in various photography contests, shows and related events when it comes to first-place ribbons and awards. In this article, I will be sharing some of my thoughts and processes of taking pictures of the roses and flowers, which I love. When to Take Pictures of Flowers My favorite time to take pictures of roses and flowers is in the morning, before noon and before the heat of the day....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 746 words · Suzanne Logan

Hummingbird Plant Care How To Grow Dicliptera Hummingbird Plant

What Does a Hummingbird Plant Look Like? Hummingbird plants are bushy plants that reach heights of 2 feet (61 cm.), with a spread of about 3 feet (1 m.). The velvety leaves and stems are an attractive shade of grayish green. Masses of bright, reddish range flowers at stem tips are upright and tube-shaped, making it easy for hummingbirds to reach the sweet nectar. This adaptable perennial is suitable for growing in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 and above....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 271 words · Joanna Pina

Hyacinth Flower Bulbs Information And Care Of Forced Hyacinths

Forcing hyacinth bulbs is not a difficult task as long as you start with an appropriate cultivar for forcing and a healthy bulb. Healthy hyacinth flower bulbs are large and firm. Be sure to pick a bulb that will fit into your chosen container and always wear gloves when handling the bulbs as they contain oxalic acid, which can cause irritation to the skin. How to Force a Hyacinth Bulb In order for forcing hyacinth bulbs to be successful, bulbs must be chilled for 13 weeks....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 577 words · Charles Allen

Indoor Elephant Ear Plant Houseplant Care Of Colocasia

These impressive ornamental specimens grow outside in sheltered location in USDA zones 8 through 11. Colocasia is a swamp plant that develops a hardy root system under the water. For this reason, elephant ears make great landscape plants in, around, or near water features in the garden. In the chillier northern areas, elephant ear is treated as an annual wherein the bulbs or tubers of the plant are dug up and stored through the winter and then replanted in the spring....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 566 words · Sherry Anwar

Information On The Role Of Sulfur What Does Sulfur Do For Plants

What Does Sulfur Do for Plants? Plants only need 10 to 30 pounds of sulfur per acre . Sulfur also acts as a soil conditioner and helps reduce the sodium content of soils. Sulfur in plants is a component of some vitamins and is important in helping give flavor to mustard, onions and garlic. Sulfur born in fertilizer assists in seed oil production, but the mineral can accumulate in sandy or overworked soil layers....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 532 words · Melissa Johnson

Invasive Ornamental Grasses Learn About Ornamental Grass Management

About Invasive Ornamental Grasses Ornamental grass management is necessary with many species of these elegant waving plants. Part of what makes them so attractive are their plumed, feathery inflorescences, but that is also what makes them such a problem. The seeds are windborne and will result in a host of baby plants. If that isn’t the propagation method, many grasses spread from rhizomes and can become a nuisance. Springtime is when any grass that wasn’t evergreen starts coming back up....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 356 words · Stephen Mcmahon

Is Moonseed Vine Invasive Learn About Moonseed Vine Growing Conditions

Moonseed Vine Information and Facts Common moonseed vine (Menispermum canadense) grows from an underground root system and travels quickly by suckers. In the wild, it is commonly found in moist, deciduous woods and sunny fence rows, riparian areas, and rocky hillsides. Moonseed vine grows in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 8. Flowers are replaced by clusters of deep purple berries, which somewhat resemble grapes. However, the fruit is mildly toxic and should not be eaten....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 251 words · Michael Lippincott

Keeping Lemon Balm In Bounds How To Prevent Lemon Balm Weeds

How to Prevent Lemon Balm Weeds A weed is defined as any plant that grows where you don’t want it, and lemon balm proves the point. This dainty little plant that looks so innocent when you buy it at the garden center can reach a height of 2 feet (61 cm.) and a spread of 3 feet (1 m.) by the end of the first growing season. Worse yet, the plant self-seeds itself like a champ and before you know it, you have a garden full of more lemon balm than you ever wanted– or needed....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 288 words · Timothy Williams

Keeping Your Indoor Container Plants Alive Gardening Know How

Providing the Right Conditions for Indoor Plants Water Don’t get carried away with watering and drown the plants. And don’t ignore your plants so they dry up before you even notice they’re dead. If you have a hard time remembering who needs water and who needs food, create a calendar or use the refrigerator for reminder notes. Remember not to water every week throughout the year. During the winter, most plants slow their growth and don’t require as much water or care....

January 22, 2023 · 4 min · 716 words · Jana Orr

Lemon Leaves Are Turning Yellow Causes For Yellow Leaves On A Lemon Tree

Yellow Leaves on a Lemon Tree Often, lemon tree leaves turn yellow when the plant is experiencing some kind of major change in nutritional intake. This might mean that the plant has a parasite or it could indicate a need for improved feeding techniques. Here are a few of the most common reasons your lemon leaves are turning yellow: Seasonal changes Many lemons today are grafted onto deciduous rootstocks, meaning that they’ll be forced by their hosts to hibernate through the winter....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 544 words · Cassandra Davis

Lime Tree Problems Common Pests Of A Lime Tree

Make sure when you plant lime trees that you plant them on the south side of your home. This helps to take advantage of protection from winds and cold. They prefer full sunshine just as with any citrus fruit tree. Even under the best of circumstances, however, you can run into lime tree problems, like lime tree pests. Common Pests of a Lime Tree When is comes to lime tree pests, these are no more than the same pests that bother all citrus fruit trees....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 592 words · Charles Howard

Making Seed Balls With Kids How To Make Flower Seed Balls

What is a Native Plant Seed Ball? A seed ball is a marble sized ball made of clay, earth and seeds which is used to replant areas where the natural flora has been destroyed. Also, referred to as seed bombs for guerrilla gardening, who it was who first developed how to make seed balls is a bit of a mystery. Some say it originated in Japan while others claim Greece, but the important thing is that the native plant seed ball has now been used around the world to reseed land that has been abused by man or by Mother Nature herself....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 563 words · Ethel Scott

Massachusetts Zone Map For Hardiness And Planting

Massachusetts USDA Plant Hardiness Map The USDA released a plant hardiness map for 2012 that reflects average winter low temperatures over the last 30 years. The map has changed somewhat from previous versions to take into account the general winter warming trend across the country. The Massachusetts planting map includes zones 5a, 6a, 6b, 7a and 7b. To see a closer image of the zones, you can click on the map above....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 203 words · Janice Carmack

Mimosa Tree Management Tips For The Control Of Mimosa Trees

Mimosa Tree Facts Nobody can deny that the pink pompom flowers of the mimosa tree are attractive. They appear in late spring and early summer on the tips of the small tree’s spreading branches. The tree rarely grows above 40 feet (12 m.), and its branches grow horizontally on the upper section of the trunk. As it matures, it looks a little like a yard parasol. The mimosa was imported as an ornamental from Asia and attracts gardeners with its fragrant and pretty blossoms....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 463 words · Joan Coffey

Misting Boston Ferns Tips On Increasing Humidity Of Boston Fern Plants

Increasing Humidity of Boston Ferns There are several ways of increasing the humidity of Boston ferns and creating the ideal Boston fern indoor air. The easiest way to increase Boston fern humidity is to place the plant in a humid environment. In most homes, this means a kitchen or a bathroom with a window or a fluorescent light. However, Boston ferns tend to be large plants, so this isn’t always a practical solution for improving Boston fern humidity....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 275 words · Sheena Turner

Mouse Proof Plants Growing Plants That Are Safe From Mice

What Plants Do Mice Dislike? Most gardeners are concerned with bigger pests, like deer and raccoons, eating their plants or vegetable harvests. Mice can be a big issue as well. They may be small, but mice can make quick work of the plants you have worked hard to grow and nurture. Mice particularly like to nibble on bulbs you’re hoping will bloom in the spring. You may think it’s a mole or a squirrel, but oftentimes the bulb culprit ruining your spring garden is a mouse....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 295 words · Carol Loree

My Milkweed Won T Flower How To Get Milkweed Blossoms

No Flowers on Milkweed, No Worries Milkweed without flowers can be extremely disheartening to beginner butterfly gardeners. Most people assume milkweed without flowers will not attract any butterflies. Flowers or not, though, female monarch butterflies spend most of their lives seeking out milkweed plants to lay eggs upon. Once these eggs hatch, the caterpillars don’t care if their milkweed host plant has blooms as long as they have plenty of milkweed leaves to eat....

January 22, 2023 · 3 min · 474 words · Jessica Donohoe

Native Woodland Flowers What Are Some Common Woodland Plants

Plants for Woodland Gardens Check with your local extension office to find out which woodland flower varieties are native to your area. Some native woodland flowers for many areas of the U.S. include: Jack-in-the-pulpit: This favorite woodland flower is trumpet-shaped with a spadix in the middle, like a ‘Jack’ in his ‘pulpit.’ After it blooms, Jack-in-the-pulpit produces pretty, red berries. Dutchman’s breeches: Related to bleeding heart, Dutchman’s breeches produces flowers that resemble a tiny pair of trousers....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 395 words · Lynn Sanchez

Nightshade Family Vegetables A List Of Nightshade Vegetables

What are Nightshade Vegetables? So what does nightshade vegetable mean exactly? What are nightshade vegetables, and are they safe for us to eat? Many of the nightshade family vegetables fall under the species of Capscium and Solanum. Although these do contain toxic aspects, they still bear edible parts, like the fruits and tubers, depending on the plant. Several of these plants are cultivated in the home garden and are known as nightshade vegetables....

January 22, 2023 · 1 min · 194 words · Clifford Harrison

Nufar Basil Plant Info Learn How To Grow Nufar Basil In The Garden

What is Nufar Basil? Even if you know and love basil, you may not be familiar with Nufar basil plants. What is Nufar basil? It’s a relatively new Genovese-type basil with a sweet, potent flavor. All basil is terrific, but Nufar basil plants are really something special. According to Nufar basil plant information, this variety produces the most flavor-packed leaves of any basil. The Nufar leaves are big and a vibrant dark green, ideal for any dish requiring basil flavoring....

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 285 words · Linda Leab